
Bright Club’s mission is to bring people back to themselves, to reconnect them with their innate powers. The mind, the breath, the heart, the gut. Everything we need is already inside of us. The tools to focus, to manage our energy, to find clarity and calm, to love or to follow our dreams—they’re already within us.

Bright Club was inspired by two ideas. The first comes from the movie Fight Club, where a group of people come together to escape the struggles and pressures of everyday life. For them, it’s a way to be as they are—raw, vulnerable—and to test the limits of their mental, physical, and emotional capabilities.

The second comes from the observation that people generally connect through shared interests, like sports or their hobby, in gender-based communities, by political views, or simply by meeting in bars and drinking together.

Fascinated by people and human connection I asked myself how can I bring people together beyond these conventional societal structures?

How can I create a space for people to show up as they are and offer them an opportunity to reconnect with themselves, and others?

Why don’t we connect through something so fundamental to us, something we all share—like our breath? Our minds? Our heart? Our willingness to grow and evolve, to belong, and to become a better person?

Bright Club was born.

Bright Club empowers people by offering a reoccurring breathwork and meditation practice to explore and discover the possibilities of their minds. Completed with tools, tips and insights for home practice, and a like-minded community to share this experience with others.

As of now, Bright Club gathers every Wednesday 8pm CET for a session via Zoom.

The beginning of something new and beautiful. Hope I see you there!

With love,

Joep, founder and teacher at Bright Club.

Note : Bright Club aims to facilitate people to be the best version of themselves. And as the saying goes, ‘Practice what you preach’, Bright Club also wants to be the best version of itself. That’s why Bright Club is a community based brand. I would love for you to help Bright Club grow and evolve, so always feel free to reach out. Ideas, feedback, suggestions, opportunities, everything. Your energy is highly appreciated.